Get Out of The Kitchen Cooking in Bulk Freezing in Bulk Buying in Bulk eBook Rhonda Grice

Most cooks spend endless hours in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, and even though we love cooking for our families, time and money sometimes get the better of us.
With just a few changes in your life, you CAN live a better lifestyle, and have more money at the end of your month. It's not that hard, if you have someone to show you the way!
This little guide is only eleven(11) pages and it is NOT full of recipes. However it does tell you what steps I took, and how I took them, to save money off my grocery bill and give myself a lot more free time away from the kitchen. I hope my guide will get your mind to creating even more ideas to free you from having to cook every single night! Coming home to food you just "heat and serve" is wonderful! Get out of the Kitchen was previously called Get Kitchen Freedom, we just gave it a facelift. There is a bonus at the end of this book on organizing your freezer and making an inventory of it. Enjoy!
Get Out of The Kitchen Cooking in Bulk Freezing in Bulk Buying in Bulk eBook Rhonda Grice
Rhonda Grice shares some good ideas in Get Out of The Kitchen - Cooking in Bulk - Freezing in Bulk - Buying in Bulk. Unfortunately, she badly needs an editor (Grandma noticed more than a few "wrong word" spelling errors) and a couple of lessons in food science!One of the most glaring errors Grandma came across was this statement: When I get a bag of potatoes I try to peal (sic) half of the potatoes all at one time. . . . . . once the potatoes are peeled you can store them in water in the refrigerator for a week or two.
Leaving aside the fact that bells peal and one peels potatoes, no you absolutely cannot keep peeled potatoes a week or two in the fridge just by changing out the water every 3 days. Sure, they will look approximately the same, but we eat potatoes for their nutritional value. Much of the starch and nearly all of the vitamins in potatoes are water soluble. Every time you change the water you are throwing away the stuff that makes the potatoes worth eating in the first place. The few minutes you might save by only cleaning up potato peels once instead of a couple of times simply are not worth the "convenience."
Grandma had one other huge issue with Rhonda's information. That is where Rhonda writes "I do like to buy seasonings at Sams Club in the large containers whenever possible, however the dollar stores are now carrying seasonings for about 50 cents a jar. They are smaller but the price is still good."
Even if you use a lot of spices in your cooking, as Grandma definitely does, it is very hard to use up those industrial sized containers of spice you find at Costco or Sams. Even with a houseful of kids to feed, Grandma didn't use a full pound of any one spice in an entire year. Spices lose their potency over time. In general, you shouldn't keep spices around longer than a year. Buying most of them in bulk simply gives you more to throw away. There is one other thing to remember about spices: you get what you pay for. Those $0.50 bottles of spice at the Dollar store are old, stale and of very low quality. Buying them is a false economy. A far better plan is to find a store like a natural food coop or Whole Foods where you can buy spices in the bulk section. You won't get a jar (you can recycle spice jars) but you will get premium spices at a mere fraction of what you would pay for them elsewhere and since you can buy in even a tiny quantity, your spices never have a chance to get stale.
There is no Table of Contents, but the book is quite short.
Your call.
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Get Out of The Kitchen Cooking in Bulk Freezing in Bulk Buying in Bulk eBook Rhonda Grice Reviews
This is a nice starter book with good ideas. I wish it had a bit more in the way of what exactly to cook and freeze. I am very lazy. The bonus section was very useful. My freezer is a mess.
I see another reviewer didn't care for the bulk seasonings. I buy these items in bulk all the time. I typically use them in a timely manner. Even if I need to toss some older stuff out, it is usually only a dollar or two more than a very small jar from the market. Very worth while to buy these items in bulk unless you like bland food.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Most things said here, I already did on my own because I figured that if I'm buying frozen food else where, why not my own? The chart to keep track of what I have already, was very helpful. I do not do that. So this will definitely help me in the long run.
This book was very basic. The author repeated herself many times. It's totally based on what works for her. But that's OK.
Not a "Cooking in Bulk" book -- this book only tells you why you should and gives you basic information on how long certain foods freeze for -- no real information on how to go about it. Most people who have even considered the possibility already know this stuff.
Even though I would consider this book a basic sort of guide, I learned some good tips I didn't know. If you've never lived with frugal family members, you don't know this stuff without researching it folks. It could have been longer (I counted 9 1/2 pages, not including the table of contents, etc.) and there were two mini-advertisements (link to her website; link to her other books). I liked that the author writes in an upbeat, pleasant tone. Some of the frugal books I've read seem to have a fear element involved and you won't find that here. Four stars.
*I am not an author, I do not know the author, I have not received, and have no expectation of receiving, anything of value for this book review.
Rhonda Grice shares some good ideas in Get Out of The Kitchen - Cooking in Bulk - Freezing in Bulk - Buying in Bulk. Unfortunately, she badly needs an editor (Grandma noticed more than a few "wrong word" spelling errors) and a couple of lessons in food science!
One of the most glaring errors Grandma came across was this statement When I get a bag of potatoes I try to peal (sic) half of the potatoes all at one time. . . . . . once the potatoes are peeled you can store them in water in the refrigerator for a week or two.
Leaving aside the fact that bells peal and one peels potatoes, no you absolutely cannot keep peeled potatoes a week or two in the fridge just by changing out the water every 3 days. Sure, they will look approximately the same, but we eat potatoes for their nutritional value. Much of the starch and nearly all of the vitamins in potatoes are water soluble. Every time you change the water you are throwing away the stuff that makes the potatoes worth eating in the first place. The few minutes you might save by only cleaning up potato peels once instead of a couple of times simply are not worth the "convenience."
Grandma had one other huge issue with Rhonda's information. That is where Rhonda writes "I do like to buy seasonings at Sams Club in the large containers whenever possible, however the dollar stores are now carrying seasonings for about 50 cents a jar. They are smaller but the price is still good."
Even if you use a lot of spices in your cooking, as Grandma definitely does, it is very hard to use up those industrial sized containers of spice you find at Costco or Sams. Even with a houseful of kids to feed, Grandma didn't use a full pound of any one spice in an entire year. Spices lose their potency over time. In general, you shouldn't keep spices around longer than a year. Buying most of them in bulk simply gives you more to throw away. There is one other thing to remember about spices you get what you pay for. Those $0.50 bottles of spice at the Dollar store are old, stale and of very low quality. Buying them is a false economy. A far better plan is to find a store like a natural food coop or Whole Foods where you can buy spices in the bulk section. You won't get a jar (you can recycle spice jars) but you will get premium spices at a mere fraction of what you would pay for them elsewhere and since you can buy in even a tiny quantity, your spices never have a chance to get stale.
There is no Table of Contents, but the book is quite short.
Your call.

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