Malice The Faithful and the Fallen John Gwynne 9780316399739 Books

Malice The Faithful and the Fallen John Gwynne 9780316399739 Books
I found myself reluctant to purchase this book based on many of the negative reviews. Fortunately, I made the choice to do so, and I couldn't be happier that I did.Most of the critical reviews stated that the book was filled with the usual tropes, that the story lacked originality and many of the story lines were contrived. To them I say so what. Aren't most novels in this genre?
Granted there were many things here we have seen before, but I felt there was plenty of originality and each character's POV was well thought out and well written. It was a novel I felt familiar with from the start and it didn't take long to settle right in to the narrative.
The only negatives I found were a lack of world building and an underdeveloped magic system, although the story line does hint at more to the magic in future books. Also, based on the fact that I see there are four books, I'm confident the author will add to the world building.
I plan on purchasing the next book immediately and I am looking forward to moving through the series quickly. I would highly recommend this book to someone looking for an enjoyable new series to start.

Tags : Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen) [John Gwynne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b> The world is broken...</b> <b>Corban </b>wants nothing more than to be a warrior under King Brenin's rule - to protect and serve. But that day will come all too soon. And the price he pays will be in blood. <b>Evnis</b> has sacrificed - too much it seems. But what he wants - the power to rule -- will soon be in his grasp. And nothing will stop him once he has started on his path. <b>Veradis</b> is the newest member of the warband for the High Prince,John Gwynne,Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen),Orbit,0316399736,Fantasy - Epic,Fantasy - General,Fantasy - Historical,Fantasy fiction,Good and evil,Good and evil;Fiction.,Imaginary wars and battles,Imaginary wars and battles;Fiction.,Soldiers,Soldiers;Fiction.,Angels,Demonology,ENGLISH FIRST NOVELISTS,ENGLISH SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Fantasy Epic,FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION Fantasy Historical,Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction-Fantasy,FictionAction & Adventure,FictionFantasy - Epic,FictionFantasy - Historical,GENERAL,General Adult,Great BritainBritish Isles,Imaginary wars and battles,Imaginary wars and battles;Fiction.,Monograph Series, 1st,Soldiers,Soldiers;Fiction.,United States,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Fantasy Epic,FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION Fantasy Historical,FictionAction & Adventure,FictionFantasy - Epic,FictionFantasy - Historical,Fiction - Fantasy,Angels,Demonology,English First Novelists,English Science Fiction And Fantasy,Fiction,Fantasy
Malice The Faithful and the Fallen John Gwynne 9780316399739 Books Reviews
Initially unimpressive, somewhere around 150 pages in the book really gets rolling. After reading the stormlight archive and as a fan of the wheel of time series/the night angel trilogy, this book seemed dull at first. The intro was great but the dialogue was repetitive and nothing really happened once corban was introduced.
The book surprised me once it introduced some of the monsters and giants. They felt terrifying. The fights captured the intensity of the combat. There was one scene where i actually held my breath 'till the resolution of the fight. Definitely a worthwhile read if you can bear with the slow initial build up. Onto the next one!
This is a good, very complex - meaning many characters, series. It is the usual story of good versus evil, or what many would consider good and evil and the coming of age.
The world the book creates is somewhat reminiscent of the Nordic period, Viking type characters but not specifically Vikings on ships though there are Piratical raiders..
The only drawback, in my view, is that there are so many different characters and the author jumps from character to character in real time. I find myself wanting more about the main characters but this format does work and is important.
I would recommend this series
I've read scores of books (to steal an overused phrase from the author) but this book was by far the most difficult to follow. There were so many characters that it was like trying to follow a soap opera, but without the drama. I found myself having to go back a few pages or chapter if I put this book down for more than a few days. Maybe have ADHD, but I read the LOTR books with all their twists and could return at any time.
The writing was excellent and pulled the reader into the story, I'll give it that much. Easy to paint a mental picture of the story. But because of the seemingly infinite characters, I don't see myself continuing with this series. Read at your own peril.
RANT/ Okay, HUGE MISTAKE putting an excerpt from the next series of books at the end of Malice!!! In three short chapters I read the all the spoilers for this series, The Faithful and the Fallen. Come on! I didn't even realize what I was reading and was thinking, what the heck, the author is just wrapping up the story like this? This excerpt should be at the end (THE LAST BOOK)of the Faithful and the Fallen series, not at the end of it's first book! /RANT END
Now, with that out of the way, I will continue to read the series because I like the characters and I knew in general, or at least hoped I knew how it was going to end..the journey is the goal in this instance. It is a testament to the author's ability to engage me as a reader and make me want to follow the journey, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW HOW IT ENDS! grrrr
Was it perfect? nope. Was it worth the read? yes! I found some of the tried and true fantasy tropes still alive and well in this novel, however, let me just say..nothing is new under the sun. How the author chooses to craft these tropes into something, if not entirely original is still engaging enough to turn the I believe Gywnne did excellent work.
I enjoyed the cast of characters and while not as fleshed out as I typically like, I'm thinking the remaining books should do that and I am willing to give the next one a whirl.
It's always a mission of mine to find new authors to read. Whether they are indie authors or names I just haven't heard of before...then I stalk them. Okay, I don't stalk them, but I follow what they are writing and will continue to read their works, as long as they stay good. By putting together a well crafted, what I believe is a first novel, Gywnne has joined that list I'm happy to say.
The only issue i have with these books are some choppy action sequences, a few two dimensional characters (hoping this changes). Well done...and please please fix that darn excerpt at the end of book 1.
Give this book some time! It starts a bit slow jumping all over the place. Then it finds its mark about eight chapters in once you know the world and its characters.
It follows 5 characters one good, two very bad and two who you have no idea what side they are on. Then adds a sixth pov character about 40 chapters in.
Corbin is the coming of age character and an easy one to route for.
Kestrel is a bit of an outcast and a classic revenge based character.
Envis, is your standard I hate this guy scum bag that you can't wait to see die.
Corbin's sister helps move the plot and gives the gals a routing interest.
Vendril is your beserker who doesn't know how good he is with fighting and serves a lord he thinks is doing right, but there is some doubts.
Finally Nathair a Julius Caesar type Greek tragedy hero......
All likable in there own way, well if you like routing for evil. I loved the book highly recommend thou a few instances it will piss you off!
I found myself reluctant to purchase this book based on many of the negative reviews. Fortunately, I made the choice to do so, and I couldn't be happier that I did.
Most of the critical reviews stated that the book was filled with the usual tropes, that the story lacked originality and many of the story lines were contrived. To them I say so what. Aren't most novels in this genre?
Granted there were many things here we have seen before, but I felt there was plenty of originality and each character's POV was well thought out and well written. It was a novel I felt familiar with from the start and it didn't take long to settle right in to the narrative.
The only negatives I found were a lack of world building and an underdeveloped magic system, although the story line does hint at more to the magic in future books. Also, based on the fact that I see there are four books, I'm confident the author will add to the world building.
I plan on purchasing the next book immediately and I am looking forward to moving through the series quickly. I would highly recommend this book to someone looking for an enjoyable new series to start.

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