The Legend of the Blue Eyes Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy Volume 1 B Kristin McMichael Books

The Legend of the Blue Eyes Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy Volume 1 B Kristin McMichael Books
Too long, didn't read review: 1.5 stars, the writing is poor, story is trite, but editing saved it from getting a full 1 star review.I got this book for free and I got exactly what I paid for. I downloaded this book due to some of the comments on a review that was posted. I'd say I read it slightly under duress, but who knows? Perhaps I might have enjoyed it. Regardless, here is my honest review of the book that I read completely, no matter how many times I wanted to give up I persevered. We are dropped into a world where Ariana Grace is supposedly a bubbly and optimistic girl who is getting notes slipped to her by a stranger in a popcorn bucket. Turns out, this girl is some kind of "super special prized" daughter that attracts love at first sight in young boys. No, I'm serious. Boys went along and sneaked peaks at her while she was little and instantly fell in love with her. This was the case with Devin, Turner, and Andrew. And it's probably going to be the case with boy #4 and boy #5. Yes, you're right, we have a love hexagon happening, or will happen. Right now it's a square. Also, everyone lost their parents, too. I'm sure that will be the case with Andrew too.
Now we get to follow this whining, complaining, giggling, and trite little girl who asks redundant questions and unsurprisingly gets redundant answers. Second, there are some weird oaths being made. "I'll protect you with every hair on my body" double-you-tee-eff does that mean? We get half-assed explanations of weird titles for vampires, werewolves, demons, and ... idk pterodactyls? Then we hear an even more lame term for night people and day people. What is that, some weird homage to Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I didn't even understand the rings; I might have been skimming when they first explained it, but I could have sworn that the demon people probably didn't kill all those blue ring people.
Also, she has super hearing, and she is already exalting her badassery of her awesome ear drums by the time she gets to the estate. She has such awesome hearing, she has to sleep on one of the dude's chest to let his heartbeat drown out other sounds. K, she can hear a whisker twitch on a cat in china, right? But she doesn't hear some goon sneak up behind her and smack her upside the head?! Don't even get me started on the decapitation and how irresponsible of the author that that makes you believe that everyone knows a pure blood can smell blood.
The author keeps the reader in the dark as deep as Ariana is. The POV is third person, but it is written with the understanding of the heroine's POV. The only time you get a different point of view is when the author wants to reassure you of the dude's loyalty or feelings towards her. Ugh, annoying.
Anyway, Ari is weak, she cannot make up her mind, she complains A LOT, and the love hexagon is not something that hasn't happened before. There is nothing original here except for the new titles for the supernatural. This story does not deserve anything more than 2 stars I gave it, and only because we are not allowed to give half stars.

Tags : The Legend of the Blue Eyes: Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy (Volume 1) (9780989121811): B. Kristin McMichael: Books,B. Kristin McMichael,The Legend of the Blue Eyes: Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy (Volume 1),Lexia Press,098912181X,Fantasy fiction,Teenage girls,Vampires,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction
The Legend of the Blue Eyes Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy Volume 1 B Kristin McMichael Books Reviews
Fans of Twilight & Vampire Diaries MUST read The Blue Eyes Trilogy! Ms. McMicheal has created an incredible world that is so easy to fall in love with! Arianna is such a wonderful heroine, she's easy going, funny & believable. But let's not forget our excellent cast of heros!
Bacholar 1 Devin ~ he's a tad mysterious, a little brooding, & of course seriously hot!
Bacholar 2 Turner ~ he's an open book, cuddlely, safe, & the one to stand a test of love.
Now, Bachelor 3 Andrew ~ ??? We just aren't sure about him yet but there is the Baku appeal.
I read the first book in a couple of hours immediately went to to purchase the rest of the series! Who cares about kids, laundry, husband, food when you have a series like this to read?!?!
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Granted, my love of paranormal, coming of age and finding you are really, not just beyond human, but the fulfillment of prophecy and powerful beyond even the others of your kind, novels is something I consider a harmless but somewhat guilty indulgence. I suspect my love of this genre began with a childhood love of the old tv series Bewitched, and I Dream of Jeanie.
This book is the first in a trilogy, and although the main character is just turning 16 and finding out she is not who she always thought she was, she is delightful. Arianna is adorable. You like her, and when the seeming inevitable things start to happen, like more than one young man declaring his love, you find that the story twists and slips away from the predictable path. This story has a kindness and generosity of spirit which defied most of my gloom and doom expectations. There are some fascinating descriptions of different types of night humans, and there are some well developed conflicts and a few characters are predictable. I enjoyed this book enough to want to read the trilogy. My biggest issue with this world is just how many other people knew and followed and protected Arianna. At times it seemed she was the only one who did not know who and what she was, and that seems like it would anger most 16 year old girls but she takes it too calmly I think. She also at times is too willing to allow herself to be left out of decisions and conversations, when someone she trusts tells her to go to sleep she does, repeatedly, like she has an off switch. I'm hoping in the next books, as hew abilities and her power as a leader grows, she starts insisting on her right to have all the information that is pertinent to her.
Wow - B. Kristin McMichael hits it out of the part once again! This is not your normal paranormal fantasy book.
The Legend of the Blue Eyes is a breath of fresh air for this genre. I have been tired of reading the same vampire-type, zombie-type, blah, blah, blah, but this book renewed my love for the YA, Coming of Age, fantasy novel.
Arianna is not your average teenager. Life in the Midwest is really not all that exciting while growing up. It is cold, lacking opportunity, and down-right boring at times for most. Arianna experiences this until she gets caught off-guard by who/what she REALLY is. This realization sets the reader up for an awesome plot that is full of imaginative scenes, twists, turns, pulse-exploding intensity, and amazing characters.
The plot is great and unique while the writing style is smoooooth. This is not your "clear skies ahead" kind of novel though, it is more "buckle your seat belts, we expect turbulence."
Overall this book hit it out of the park. This is a fresh take on vampires and not regurgitated content that is re-packaged. B. Kristin McMichael flexes her muscles in this one - showing that she is the go-to author in this genre. She is an excellent writer and further establishes herself here.
Two thumbs up, highly recommended, and five stars! (Did I cover them all?)
Too long, didn't read review 1.5 stars, the writing is poor, story is trite, but editing saved it from getting a full 1 star review.
I got this book for free and I got exactly what I paid for. I downloaded this book due to some of the comments on a review that was posted. I'd say I read it slightly under duress, but who knows? Perhaps I might have enjoyed it. Regardless, here is my honest review of the book that I read completely, no matter how many times I wanted to give up I persevered. We are dropped into a world where Ariana Grace is supposedly a bubbly and optimistic girl who is getting notes slipped to her by a stranger in a popcorn bucket. Turns out, this girl is some kind of "super special prized" daughter that attracts love at first sight in young boys. No, I'm serious. Boys went along and sneaked peaks at her while she was little and instantly fell in love with her. This was the case with Devin, Turner, and Andrew. And it's probably going to be the case with boy #4 and boy #5. Yes, you're right, we have a love hexagon happening, or will happen. Right now it's a square. Also, everyone lost their parents, too. I'm sure that will be the case with Andrew too.
Now we get to follow this whining, complaining, giggling, and trite little girl who asks redundant questions and unsurprisingly gets redundant answers. Second, there are some weird oaths being made. "I'll protect you with every hair on my body" double-you-tee-eff does that mean? We get half-assed explanations of weird titles for vampires, werewolves, demons, and ... idk pterodactyls? Then we hear an even more lame term for night people and day people. What is that, some weird homage to Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I didn't even understand the rings; I might have been skimming when they first explained it, but I could have sworn that the demon people probably didn't kill all those blue ring people.
Also, she has super hearing, and she is already exalting her badassery of her awesome ear drums by the time she gets to the estate. She has such awesome hearing, she has to sleep on one of the dude's chest to let his heartbeat drown out other sounds. K, she can hear a whisker twitch on a cat in china, right? But she doesn't hear some goon sneak up behind her and smack her upside the head?! Don't even get me started on the decapitation and how irresponsible of the author that that makes you believe that everyone knows a pure blood can smell blood.
The author keeps the reader in the dark as deep as Ariana is. The POV is third person, but it is written with the understanding of the heroine's POV. The only time you get a different point of view is when the author wants to reassure you of the dude's loyalty or feelings towards her. Ugh, annoying.
Anyway, Ari is weak, she cannot make up her mind, she complains A LOT, and the love hexagon is not something that hasn't happened before. There is nothing original here except for the new titles for the supernatural. This story does not deserve anything more than 2 stars I gave it, and only because we are not allowed to give half stars.

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