The Sexually Confident Wife Connect With Your Husband in Mind Heart Body Spirit (Audible Audio Edition) Shannon Ethridge Oasis Audio Books

Every woman deserves to enjoy great sex with her husband, without inhibition or shame. But many wives live with the burden of self-doubt or feel mystified about what men really want in bed. Others wrestle with memories of sexual abuse or neglect, guilt over past intimate relationships, or negative feelings about their own bodies. Maybe you've been thinking you were alone in your struggle to discover sexual fulfillment.
The Sexually Confident Wife Connect With Your Husband in Mind Heart Body Spirit (Audible Audio Edition) Shannon Ethridge Oasis Audio Books
I always chided myself for having trouble in my sexual relationship in marriage. Why did I have so many hang-ups? Why did I hate my body? I was not sexually abused as a child. I didn't understand the source of my angst and frustration. To exacerbate the problem, I had no foundation for how to initiate sex, and I was so gun-shy that any criticism or direction given my my husband absolutely killed my desire and plunged me into a flood of self-pity. Enter this book. I picked it up on a whim about six months ago and read it cover to cover over the course of a day. The first chapter contains a quiz to evaluate a woman's sexual feelings about herself. As I took the quiz, I realized that I actually was *not* OK, and things between me and my husband were not even close to what they should be. The quiz exposed the mess that was within my own heart.This book started me on a journey that has breathed new life into my marriage. I smile now when I think of our sex life, instead of constantly feeling that there is a black cloud of expectations over my head. I no longer buy the lie that I am powerless and that change is impossible. Because both my husband and I can routinely get satisfaction in each other's company, we feel a lot more stable than we did in the first 11 years of our marriage. Another (non-sexual) benefit of this transformation was that I lost my fear of asking for what I need in the marriage. I spent too long believing the fallacy that love means knowing exactly what the other person needs. Well, having ESP must be nice, but most if us have to rely upon actual communication to get tour needs met. And there is nothing wrong with having needs and even just wishes that you can share with your spouse. I now tell him what I need, calmly, trusting that he will have my best interests at heart and want to help. In the past, these wishes would only be expressed after weeks or even months of bottling up my anger, until I was ready to throw something at his head. I'm sure he appreciates this change!
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Tags : The Sexually Confident Wife: Connect With Your Husband in Mind, Heart, Body, Spirit (Audible Audio Edition): Shannon Ethridge, Oasis Audio: Books, ,Shannon Ethridge, Oasis Audio,The Sexually Confident Wife: Connect With Your Husband in Mind, Heart, Body, Spirit,Oasis Audio,B005DL6PG4
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The Sexually Confident Wife Connect With Your Husband in Mind Heart Body Spirit (Audible Audio Edition) Shannon Ethridge Oasis Audio Books Reviews
Shannon Etheridge is a Christian writer. This book has no mention of anything "religious" so it should appeal to anyone.
I read it and bought one for a friend. Shannon is funny and extremely down to earth. She covers most any topic you could think of candidly but tastefully. It really helps put your role as a wife into a perspective you can understand and appreciate.
I didn't finish this book, but I've read at least half of it. A lot of examples have to do with past sexual sin or instance of rape/being taken advantage of that can cause a loss of confidence. I couldn't relate to most of the stories and so it wasn't a useful read for me. I'm sure many other women would benefit from this book.
Such a rare find!! The Author uses honesty and responsibility in suggesting how to take care and charge of our own sexuality. Great, great, wedding gift if you have the courage.
This book gave me insight on my self confidence! It helped me to realize that the spirituality and sexuality go hand and hand in a marriage! What a I desire from my husband is the same thing that my spouse desires or wants from me! A better emotional bond both spiritual and sexual relationship!! Be real and honest about my needs and wants! If something does not work, don’t give up and try again! Believe, receive and achieve!
This book has really opened my mind up to being more confident in sex as a whole! I’ve carried a lot of baggage around for most of my life and built walls because of it, I finally feel like I can break free and live a fulfilling life in all ways!
This was THE BEST book I have read on healing your past and becoming the whole beautiful female God intended you to be. (I even emailed the author to tell her so)The author dispells the culture's and the church's wrong messages for females and gives you a clear picture of the true Biblical femininity. Helps you work through an abusive childhood, wrong body image perception's, what husbands really think but may not always know how to say even dealing with husbands who are not honoring God's command to "love their wife as Christ loved the church". You will be lifted up and out of old wrong thinking abd maybe some strongholds Satan may have over your life. I have given this book to friends and recommended to dozens of women. She has a facebook page and daily email/blog that sends out excerpts from her many wonderful books.
None shaming info . This book will help in deliberately dealing with any past issue or present in rightly understanding Gods design for our sexuality. We were not made to live closed up and in the dark under covers . No matter the reason whether abuse, emotional abuse or self image problems or simply being taught or learning wrong info when growing up.
I purchased this book over a year ago and continue to purchase the used copies when I can to share with other women.
I personally emailed the author and thanked her for this book wishing we had had this info/talk back in the 80's and before.
Shannon Etheridge studied at Liberty University. God is using her difficult life experience together with her university studies to help women overcome their difficult sexual past ( whether it was done to them or sexual choices made outside or before marriage) in order to first know better who their Father in Heaven is and how much He loves his daughters and second to fully be all and everything they can in their marriages and other relationships. She has written other books on this topic. The info in this book seemed to get me over that hump to be able to see my past without shame and condemnation and to be able to begin steps to move forward in my walk with Christ. To not be stuck because of mistakes made in the past.
I always chided myself for having trouble in my sexual relationship in marriage. Why did I have so many hang-ups? Why did I hate my body? I was not sexually abused as a child. I didn't understand the source of my angst and frustration. To exacerbate the problem, I had no foundation for how to initiate sex, and I was so gun-shy that any criticism or direction given my my husband absolutely killed my desire and plunged me into a flood of self-pity. Enter this book. I picked it up on a whim about six months ago and read it cover to cover over the course of a day. The first chapter contains a quiz to evaluate a woman's sexual feelings about herself. As I took the quiz, I realized that I actually was *not* OK, and things between me and my husband were not even close to what they should be. The quiz exposed the mess that was within my own heart.
This book started me on a journey that has breathed new life into my marriage. I smile now when I think of our sex life, instead of constantly feeling that there is a black cloud of expectations over my head. I no longer buy the lie that I am powerless and that change is impossible. Because both my husband and I can routinely get satisfaction in each other's company, we feel a lot more stable than we did in the first 11 years of our marriage. Another (non-sexual) benefit of this transformation was that I lost my fear of asking for what I need in the marriage. I spent too long believing the fallacy that love means knowing exactly what the other person needs. Well, having ESP must be nice, but most if us have to rely upon actual communication to get tour needs met. And there is nothing wrong with having needs and even just wishes that you can share with your spouse. I now tell him what I need, calmly, trusting that he will have my best interests at heart and want to help. In the past, these wishes would only be expressed after weeks or even months of bottling up my anger, until I was ready to throw something at his head. I'm sure he appreciates this change!

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