Command Performance Linnea Sinclair 9781591050896 Books

Command Performance Linnea Sinclair 9781591050896 Books
The first part of this book bears a superficial resemblance to the first part of Games of Command. However, this book reads in the beginning like a ST:TNG fanfic. The set up is interesting, but the writing is unpolished, especially in the first few chapters as the author continually "tell" rather than "shows" I'm not sure if Sinclair was writing Space Opera or Romance (although she calls it a space opera in her dedication) but the high point was the heroine captain. I liked the fact that she had her own agenda and wasn't mooning over the admiral. The low point was the relationship between the doctor and the mercenary, Jace, which included psychic groping and telepathing in italics.I thought I would never get through this book.
It almost seemed that Sinclair had pulled the story together when their landing craft is forced off course by hostile ships and they have to make an emergency jump through hyperspace or a worm hole or something. Luckily Jace was some sort of warrior/priest/mystic so they make it through safely. Then they have to look for some place to hang out and make repairs. Luckily, there is a planet that's pretty close to earth normal-- and whoops, the people from space speak the same language as the inhabitants. What an incredible coincidence. There's also a a hot spring convenient for nude bathing, easily caught and tamed equinards (horses) (who would have thought a space captain would also be an accomplished horse trainer?) and a local Duke of Whatsis who lusts after the Captain while the Admiral glowers. Oh, yes, and to top it off, there's a psi-monster lurking around stealing locals.
Really, the rewrite for Bantam is so much better that it's shocking to realize the same person wrote both books.
Unless you are a completist, don't get pulled into paying the outrageous amounts I've seen this book offered for, it's not worth it. Read the Bantam Books version instead. This version also ends on a cliff hanger that is not resolved in the Bantam version and the second book was never published-- according to the author's web site the publisher went out of business before they could release it. However the ending is far less interesting than the ending of the Bantam version anyway.

Tags : Command Performance [Linnea Sinclair] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pages clean and unmarked. Slight wear from time on shelf like you would see on a major chain. Immediate shipping.,Linnea Sinclair,Command Performance,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1591050898,Fiction,Romance - General,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction - Adventure,Fiction - Science Fiction
Command Performance Linnea Sinclair 9781591050896 Books Reviews
The story began on the Triad Huntership Vaxxar. Captain Tasha "Sass" Sebastian had many secrets in her past. And that was where she wished them to remain! Her best friend just happened to be the ship's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Eden Flynn. Stories abounded about the trouble the often found themselves, as well as, the unique ways they got out. Eden was an emplath with telepathic abilities which greatly helped her in her profession.
Admiral Branden Kel-Paten was referred to as the Tin Soldier. As a teen he had become bio-cybernetic, more computer than human. He was not supposed to feel emotions. So if anyone found out how he felt about Sass, he would be in for a "Section Forty-Six."
After surviving a vortex, they picked up the human pirate Jace Serafino, who was a rogue telepath with a deadly brain implant. Jace and Paten had known each other before. Neither like the other. However, after being attacked by Illithian fighters, they were thrown into an unknown section of space where they must put aside their differences if they intended to survive!
***** A remarkable piece of work! Sass and Eden each have a pet that resembles a cat with telepathy and intelligence. I especially loved those two fury creatures! Each character has their own quirks and personalities, that readers can easily come to care for. The only problem I have found with author Linnea Sinclair is that she cannot write fast enough for me. Highly recommended! *****
Deep Space and Other Worlds
Captain Tasha "Sass" Sebastian and her best friend, Chief Medical Officer, Eden Fynn are in a quandary. The two women must find a cure for a lethal alien virus, but Admiral Branden Kel-Paten's actions are directly interfering with their work. Kel-Paten's biggest concern is capturing Jace Serafino, mercenary pirate turned informant. Adding to their aggravation is the fact that Kel-Paten is determined to keep Sass in his sights at all times, even when she's off duty. This does not make for amicable relations on all sides. When Serafino's ship blows up entering a vortex behind Kel-Paten's ship, they rescue the rebel and bring him on board. What ensues is a battle of wits and mutual hatred between Kel-Paten and Serafino that push both Sass and Eden to the edges of their limited patience with the two men.
While trying to determine what lies behind the enmity between their Admiral and Serafino, Sass and Eden run circles around them, hoping to drive the two to distraction and keep them from killing each other. And this is just the beginning.
Branden Kel-Paten is a biological cyborg, reminiscent of the Six-
Million Dollar Man. Kel-Paten's emotions run the gamut from
professional Admiral to lovesick cyborg. Afraid of rejection, he
refuses to let Sass see how deep his feelings for her have run for the past eleven years. Instead, he keeps her by his side as much as possible without raising suspicion. Sass gives Kel-Paten a run for his money, boldly going where nobody else dares, back-talking and taking risks in her dealings with him. When she does discover Branden's almost obsessive feelings for her, she can't reconcile whether those feelings are the real thing or something that's been programmed into his cyber self. Eden is an empath with telepathic abilities who becomes very aware of Jace's own extreme telepathic abilities when he visits her in their sleep. Mix all of these characters together, and what you get is an emotional rollercoaster ride of deadly conflicts laced with moments of humor.
COMMAND PERFORMANCE is another rollicking space opera from the
talented pen of Linnea Sinclair. She delivers her trademark superb characterization and dialogue with extraordinary skill and finesse. Ms. Sinclair also combines an original storyline and unexpected turn in the space lanes through a time travel vortex, culminating in an ending that will have you screaming for the sequel, COMMAND DECISION, due out in 2003.
I highly recommend COMMAND PERFORMANCE to readers of all genres.
Suspense, mystery, two romances, heart-stopping action and adventure with enough emotional punch to make your heart ache in sympathy for all of the characters, is enough to satisfy fans on all levels.
Brava, Ms. Sinclair on another incredible journey through deep space!
The first part of this book bears a superficial resemblance to the first part of Games of Command. However, this book reads in the beginning like a STTNG fanfic. The set up is interesting, but the writing is unpolished, especially in the first few chapters as the author continually "tell" rather than "shows" I'm not sure if Sinclair was writing Space Opera or Romance (although she calls it a space opera in her dedication) but the high point was the heroine captain. I liked the fact that she had her own agenda and wasn't mooning over the admiral. The low point was the relationship between the doctor and the mercenary, Jace, which included psychic groping and telepathing in italics.
I thought I would never get through this book.
It almost seemed that Sinclair had pulled the story together when their landing craft is forced off course by hostile ships and they have to make an emergency jump through hyperspace or a worm hole or something. Luckily Jace was some sort of warrior/priest/mystic so they make it through safely. Then they have to look for some place to hang out and make repairs. Luckily, there is a planet that's pretty close to earth normal-- and whoops, the people from space speak the same language as the inhabitants. What an incredible coincidence. There's also a a hot spring convenient for nude bathing, easily caught and tamed equinards (horses) (who would have thought a space captain would also be an accomplished horse trainer?) and a local Duke of Whatsis who lusts after the Captain while the Admiral glowers. Oh, yes, and to top it off, there's a psi-monster lurking around stealing locals.
Really, the rewrite for Bantam is so much better that it's shocking to realize the same person wrote both books.
Unless you are a completist, don't get pulled into paying the outrageous amounts I've seen this book offered for, it's not worth it. Read the Bantam Books version instead. This version also ends on a cliff hanger that is not resolved in the Bantam version and the second book was never published-- according to the author's web site the publisher went out of business before they could release it. However the ending is far less interesting than the ending of the Bantam version anyway.

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