Generation Z eBook Peter Meredith

Generation Z eBook Peter Meredith
I have read many of Mr Meredith’s books and they all are great. I started this one and at first thought this was his throw away. He says in the note at the beginning to have patience with the book, I did and was very happy that I did. The last half of the book was fast paced and action packed,and then there was Jillybean! She rocks.
Tags : Generation Z - Kindle edition by Peter Meredith. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Generation Z.,ebook,Peter Meredith,Generation Z,Fiction Horror,Fiction Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Generation Z eBook Peter Meredith Reviews
There are several things that take away from the rating of this book, but the author is a good story-teller. I wanted to keep reading and didn't want the book to end. The characters were quirky and interesting. They add to the story and sub-plots going on. I don't want to spoil the story, so I will just mention how much I liked the doctor.
What frustrated me. Well, first off, the use of present-day terms in a time where these terms would not have been used for two or three decades. There is no way they would be known or the context would be unknown in the current society. It could have used another edit. Not many errors, but enough to distract from the story at times. Finally, there was an inconsistency in the technology ability in one section of the story. But, once you tossed the disbelief aside, the storyline swept you away again.
It is worth the read. Enjoy.
Holy cow, what a great book! After my utter disappointment reading the last page of The Undead World series, I wondered what had become of Jillybean, Neal and the others who finally made it to the freedom of the island. I was SO surprised and happy while perusing and read the synopsis of Generation Z!! The first book of the new series is amazing and reads like a rollercoaster ride. I love that it steps forward in time and introduces new characters who are just as fun as the last series. I cannot wait for book 2. Keep up the fantastic work, Peter!
If this is your genre, you are in for a helluva read! Nonstop action, flawed heroes, nasty villains, hoards of the walking dead, you name it, this book has it.
The amount of detail about terrain, buildings, cities, and especially sailing, just adds to the concoction to end up as a serious zombie cocktail.
I highly recommend this terrific book.
I read Peter Meredith's Undead World Series and absolutely loved it. I spent last summer devouring every one of the books. That said, I was looking forward to reading the first book in his Generation Z series. I was excited to find out that there is a crossover between the series and it was so beautifully accomplished.
The world has changed, and Peter Meredith delves into how the world would be after everything is lost. New societies have grown, and the tale of them was told so well, I couldn't put the book down.
Peter Meredith creates characters that are unique, and filled with depth without being overbearing. I loved every one of the characters in this book. The characters, oh my goodness, the characters. Jenn, Stu, and of course Mike. The tension between them, and the just enough telling of the societies they live in, kept me pushing on to find out where they end up. It was an adventure really, and as a fan of the Undead World series, when I found out where the trio were heading, I couldn't contain my excitement. Seriously, I probably looked crazed with the smile that filled my face, knowing who the "girl doctor," was that they went to find. Oh JillyBean. Seeing her through newcomers' eyes and how they are treating her was freaking awesome. I loved it, and can't wait to read the next.
As he has proven again and again, Peter Meredith is an amazing author of the zombie genre. I didn't realize that my favorite schizophrenic, bad guy killing machine, Jillybean was in this book. Imagine my happy surprise when the authors note included her name! I think the way this novel is written is perfect, for new fans and old fans alike...You get to know this world (12 years later) and fall in love with a new cast of characters before revisiting old favorites.
Well done, Mr Meredith! Looking forward to book 2, and I just finished 1!!!
On downloading this novel, I hadn't realized it was a spin off from another longer series. It quickly became apparent that this was this case though, as the author seemed to expect us to be familiar with the setting already. Still, various parts were properly explained but I feel like I lost out a lot by not having the background.
That being said the setting and zombie interpretation was excellent. I really loved how superstitions drove the community. Each community was also distinctly different and you could see how they were watching out for themselves. That being said, some were little more than a tagline. Hopefully they are expanded on in other books or the original series. The zombies were "Romero" enough to be recognizable, but the authors unique twist was a great addition.
The story started fairly slowly, which was good as it allowed new readers to get an idea of the setting, but then rapidly sped up as the plot demanded. For the most part it was believable, though some parts felt forced.
It made use of the latest fad of switching character perspective each chapter which weakened the story a bit as we got the character's thoughts and opinions, but it didn't feel like it changed the perspective of the world. If a character wasn't actively thinking something it almost slipped my mind whose chapter it was.
The end was frustrating as it ended abruptly. It was obvious that it is part of a series when it would have benefited from being more standalone. Despite, or perhaps because of that, I will be looking into the next book in the series sometimes after reading the first book in the original series.
Definitely worth the read!
SPOILERS!! As River Song loves to say! Exciting!! Entertaining!! I love the new character's but miss some of the old one's! Grey was mentioned in a past tense is he officially dead then?? Neil "I'm the only prisoner on the island" so saaad. Jilly breaks my heart too she has to take too many pills! Will she be able to go on like that?? Everyone loves a good love story too, definitely enjoying how Jenn's story is unfolding.
Pleased! Happy & excited for the next 10 😉...... Jo Ramos
I have read many of Mr Meredith’s books and they all are great. I started this one and at first thought this was his throw away. He says in the note at the beginning to have patience with the book, I did and was very happy that I did. The last half of the book was fast paced and action packed,and then there was Jillybean! She rocks.

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